Aarhus Økologiske Fødevare Fællesskab
AOFF is a volunteer group where members can buy cheap organic and local greens, differentiating each week. Being mainly maintained by volunteers chipping in, and their only programmer leaving, both their front- and back-end suffered. Multiple Ad-hoc solutions had been made, as nobody knew how to add items to their on-line web-shop, newer products were kept separate in a text document and added manually by a person, opening up for multiple human errors along the way.
This was a major concern for AOFF, they’ve had occasions were a new volunteer would step down, being confused by the multiple hacky solution they would have to keep track of, and the responsibility of doing so without making mistakes.
This project was not focused on programming as much as figuring out how to create a new system, in which the current problems would never occur again. Identifying what lead to these ad-hoc methods being invented and figuring out a sustainable solution was the main goal.
With this projects focus in mind, most methods used where related to user experience, user tests and analysis’ of the organization. The webpage was developed using the CMS “Drupal” however i didnt work closely with the implementation of the product